Due to credit supply shortage and fairness to all. We will be limiting per individual customer, a maximum of 100 credits per day. We are doing everything we can do increase the supply. Please bare with us.

Terms & Conditions

All registered persons must be AML accepted thru NZTA.

Although paying credits direct to NZTA are not subject to GST. All transactions with CO2X Limited are subject to GST. This provides another saving and smart decision to buy through us.

Quotes must be accepted within 15 minutes of being issued. After 15 minutes you will need to complete a new quote form. Accepted quotes must be actioned within the same business day.

Quotes provided whether accepted or declined are strictly exclusive between the account holder of the quote received and CO2X. This is not to be shared or made public in any way by the account holder. Failure to adhere to this rule could result in registration being cancelled and possible civil action.

By accepting a quote, you are entering into a legal obligation to fulfil that transaction with CO2X Limited. Failure to complete the transaction may be actioned thru legal means.

When selling your CO2 credits to CO2X thru the quote system, the offer is not a contract until CO2X has transferred the funds.

CO2X exchange has the right to terminate your registration with this site and their discretion. This may be for any reason CO2X exchange decides.

When selling credits, once you have received our cleared payment, you must immediately transfer the credits to CO2X CO2 number within the NZTA Waka Kotahi CCS site.

CO2X may at anytime suspend either buying or selling credits for a period if it deems necessary.